Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess what???

Early Action letters were mailed today!

The hand-off

Rookie Admissions Counselor Evan Grenier is pumped after seeing off his first batch


Anonymous said...

I was so happy to get accepted Stonehill early action! Thank you so much!

Immediately, I sent back my postcard for the Early Acceptance Open House on 2/13. I am only sorry I can only go to three sessions in the day. Can I set up a separate day to visit too if I can not get to everything?

Yesterday, 1/21, I could not believe I received a generous merit scholarship signed by the President, Father Cregan. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.

At this point, I think I am supposed to wait on further financial aid details. Yes?

If my merit scholarship came from the President's office, does that mean I did not get an invite to the honors program or is there a chance that might happen?

Thanks again for everything!

Eric said...


Congrats on your acceptance. There will be several Accepted Student Day Visit Programs running in March and April. Katie from our office will put up post soon with details.

Honors Program decisions will be made by Mid-March, so you still may hear about that soon!

Good luck and I hope to see you at our EA Open House in Feb.!
