Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stonehill College Ranked 7th in the Country!

So I know we always talk about the wonderful community we have here at Stonehill...and we do! 93% of our students live on campus, are heavily involved in community service, activities, and in genreal have a lot of fun.

Yet sometimes it can be hard for us to truly get across that our students are genuinely "happy" here at Stonehill...How does one measure that? Well Princeton review does each year when they release their Top-10 list of Colleges with the happiest students. and guess what? Stonehill is number 7 on that list.

Here are the other Schools on the list:
Clarmont McKenna
St.Mary's College in MD
Colorado College

Pretty good company I say.

To learn more why our students are among some of the happiest in the country click here to read the article.

To see for yourself come visit us. Here is a link to our Visit Schedule in August:http://www.stonehill.edu/x12715.xml

See you on Campus!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 4th!

As per tradition, my family always goes down to my aunt's lakehouse in CT for the 4th of July. After THREE STRAIGHT WEEKS of non-stop rain, we finally had a weekend of sun! Below are some pictures of my fun weekend.

Lounging in the lake

Intense game of volleyball

My attempts at serving

Mom's version of "tanning"

Chris attempting to jet ski

My sister's 21st birthday cake

My cousin Michael's fireworks display

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! Eric and I will be on vacation for the next week but we'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, check out some of our student bloggers who have been posting throughout the summer. Kathleen (our newest First-Year blogger) just wrote about her 1st experience as a Stonehill student at Orientation! http://www.stonehill.edu/x13106.xml