Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quick Update

Hey everyone! I only have a few minutes to update because this week is CRAZY! We've started reviewing Early Action and Early Decision applications and there's no going back now! We received more applications at this time this year than last so we're busier than expected.

So far it looks like the class is shaping up well. I'm impressed with the quantity and quality of our applicants so far! I love this time of year because it's so exciting getting to learn more about our applicants after meeting so many of them last spring and fall. This year in particular I feel that the essays are really strong. I read a great one about a cross-country family road trip to visit colleges all over the nation and another moving essay about an applicant's cousin who recently passed away from a rare disease. Both very different, but well written nevertheless.

Missed the chance to apply Early Action or Early Decision? Fret not- the Regular Decision deadline isn't until January 15th so you have plenty of time!

As always, please feel free to contact admissions@stonehill.edu if you have any questions about applying.

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