Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Englander Heads to Mid-Atlantic: Snow Follows

Figures. I leave Boston for a recruiting trip to Pittsburgh in the midst of their largest snow storm since 1992! Luckily I had already planned to spend the weekend in Harrisburg visiting my friend Lisa so I didn't have to worry about my flight being cancelled....wish I could say the same for some of my colleagues. Some of them were stranded all weekend!

As mentioned in my previous post, I was in town for the Pittsburgh National College Fair at the Lawrence Convention Center. Here's a lovely photo montage of my time in 'Steel City."

Admissions isn't all fun and games....but sometimes it is. Playing at the Cracker Barrel with colleagues.

My table at the college fair. Go Hill!

Instead of filling out an inquiry card, a student can have an ID number scanned and we're emailed their information in a spreadsheet. It's pretty amazing!

Lisa and I trekking out into the snow!

Yep- that's my rental car.


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